Phpmailer is a mailing script which is used to send emails via php files. In this article we are going to show you how to authenticate your email in the script. WebSouls Web Hosting provides below artcile which will assist you to enable SMTP authentication on phpmailer.
Let's start by downloading phpmailer from this link.
Once you have successfully downloaded your PHPmailer you have to upload it on your hosting account as shown in below image and extract it:
Open file which is located at /PHPMailer-master/examples/smtp.phps and rename it to smtp.php :
Change the parameter from isSMTP(); to ismail(); as shown in below image:
Provide your email credentails as shown in below image:
After successfully providing your email credentials in the file you can send a email text as well by simply typing the message after "$mail->AltBody =" parameter in the same file.
Now you can include the file in your custom files and send emails using your authenticated email address.
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