Magneto Installation Error (Exception printing is disabled)

Incase you are recieving the error "Exception Prinitng is Disabled" while installing Magneto please follow the following easy step by step step's;


    1. Please open the "Errors'' folder in your magneto installation directory.
    2. In the error's folder change the XML file named "locaL.xml.sample to local.xml.
    3. After changing this you will probably see a lot of errors all over the magneto page. Dont worry!
    4. Please open magento/lib/Zend/Cache/Backend/File.php and find the following code;

protected $_options = array(

'cache_dire' => 'null",

  1. Change the above to the following

    protected $_options = array(

    'cache_dire' => 'tmp/",


  2. Save it.
  3. After saving please create a tmp folder in the root of Magneto.
  4. That's it your done!

Hopefully your error should be solved. Incase it does not get resolved please contact our 24/7 Support at


WebSouls WebMaster

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