Incase you are recieving the error "Exception Prinitng is Disabled" while installing Magneto please follow the following easy step by step step's;
- Please open the "Errors'' folder in your magneto installation directory.
- In the error's folder change the XML file named "locaL.xml.sample to local.xml.
- After changing this you will probably see a lot of errors all over the magneto page. Dont worry!
- Please open magento/lib/Zend/Cache/Backend/File.php and find the following code;
protected $_options = array(
'cache_dire' => 'null",
- Change the above to the following
protected $_options = array('cache_dire' => 'tmp/",
- Save it.
- After saving please create a tmp folder in the root of Magneto.
- That's it your done!
Hopefully your error should be solved. Incase it does not get resolved please contact our 24/7 Support at
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