How do I create a new domain account in cPanel?

How do I create a new domain account in cPanel?

The following article explains how to create a new domain account in cPanel. A domain account is used to allow users to create domain names on their VPS.

To create a new domain account, please follow these steps:

  1. Open a web browser and connect to your cPanel Control Panel located at https://ip address:2087.
  2. Login as the Administrator using the information sent to you in your setup email.
  3. From the left side menu, under Account Functions, click Create a New Account.
  4. Enter the necessary information:
    • Domain: enter a domain
    • UserName: enter a username
    • Password: enter a password
    • Contact Email: enter a contact email address
    • Package: select a package from the drop down
    • Dedicated IP: check this option if you wish to assign a dedicated IP to the domain
    • Shell Access: check this option if you wish to enable shell access for this domain
    • Frontpage Extensions: check this option if you wish to publish your site with FrontPage
    • Cgi Access: check this option if you wish to enable Cgi access for this domain
    • cPanel Theme: select a theme from the drop down
    • Give Reseller Privileges: check this option if you wish to enable reseller privileges
    • Use domain registry nameservers: check this option if you are using the name servers of the domain registry
    • Overwrite Existing Dns Zones: check this option if you wish to overwrite existing Dns information
  5. Click Create.

Your cPanel account should now be configured. You may begin adding domains and users as necessary. The above process only needs to be done the first time you log into cPanel.


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